BPS Dentures

Affordable Dentures Can Look Great!

As Zanon Dentures second highest rated dentures, BPS® Dentures are precision dentures that provide optimum function while eating, speaking or laughing. Using a modular and standardized approach to denture construction, the BPS® system follows strict protocol to assure prostheses success.

BPS® - Making You Smile

The BPS® denture system uses Ivoclar teeth to recreate the natural character of your smile. To achieve this, Ivoclar is made of three layers of cross linked or double cross-linked acrylic reins that are known for their life-like effect and resistance to wear.

What Does The BPS® System Offer?

By using state of the art denture technology, the BPS® system creates reliable and beautiful dentures. Zanon Denture is proud the provide the following core components of BPS dentures:

  • Stratos® articulator system
  • Ivoclar Vivadent denture teeth
  • The SR Ivocap® injection moulding system

By using these technologies, Zanon Denture is able to restore the natural look of your lips and support your facial muscles while providing comfortable, functional and durable dentures.

Three Core Components Of The BPS® System

Stratos 200 Or 300 Articulator

The Ivoclar Stratos 300 is an individually adjustable articulator. With its newly constructed joint mechanics, all the important parameters can be continuously set. This includes protrusion angle, Bennett angle and immediate side-shift, as well as lateral, retrusive and protrusive eccentric movements.

Ivocap Injection Moulding Processing System

The SR Ivocap® system uses a controlled heat/pressure polymerization procedure. During this procedure, the precise amount of material flows into the flask to compensate for shrinkage which ensures a perfect denture fit. The pressure created also optimizes the physical properties of the SR Ivocap® High Impact denture by improving the bond of the acrylic teeth to the base.

Ivoclar Vivadent Teeth

For the first time ever, the Ivoclar Vivadent prosthetic system offers an articulator for complex denture prosthetics. The Ivoclar teeth are manufactured using a layering process that produces a natural opalescence. Lifelike characterizations, such as demineralization points, are captured within every tooth.

Further SR Ivocap® Advantages

  • Complete polymerization - reduced irritation to the gums from free monomer
  • Strength - Dentures are guaranteed against breakage for two years.
  • Clean –the injection process creates a nonporous base and thus limits the traditional odour expected from dentures.
  • Accuracy – due to the injection moulding process, conventional dimensional changes do not occur.
  • Aesthetics – dentures appear as natural as possible
  • Fit - due to extreme care taken during the construction of the dentures, a more comfortable prostheses is the result
  • Normally BPS® Dentures require 5 – 7 Appointments, however the number of appointments could be reduced to four appointments only, but the time per appointment will increase accordingly.

What Is The BPS® Process?

  • Consultation
  • Preliminary Impressions utilizing the Accu-Dent system
  • Final impression*
  • Face Bow transfer utilizing a Universal Transfer system UTS*
  • Bite registrations using an intraoral tracing device, such as a Ivoclar Gnathometer*
  • Set up utilizing Ivoclar teeth is done on a Ivoclar Stratos 200 or 300 articulator
  • Try in
  • Ivocap processing
  • Insertion
  • Post insertion personalized occlusion equilibration
  • Patient education

Items marked with an asterisk * exceed the three BPS core components.

For a free consultation to see if BPS dentures are right for your lifestyle, please contact us today!